Anime Romance Anime Girl Shirt Unisex T-Shirt. Anime is a Japanese animation, which was once called “Japanese cartoons”. It is the combination of traditional Japanese cultural elements, such as anime characters, kabuki style plays and kimono, with a western (perhaps American) style of storytelling, music and art.
Anime Romance Anime Girl Shirt Unisex T-Shirt
An anime is a unique style of animation aimed at adults and drama. It is distinguished by its highly detailed, often photo-realistic, cels and backgrounds. Anime characters are often influenced by American comic books; they may be drawn with few compelling features like hairline lines or simple features such as no noses. The term anime is used in English to describe all types of Japanese-influenced media from cartoons to live-action television series.
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Features Anime Romance Anime Girl Shirt Unisex T-Shirt
The standard, traditional t-shirt for everyday wear.
Classic, generous, boxy fit.
All colors and plus sizes are available in our shop.
Proudly printed in the USA, using direct-to-garment printing and eco-friendly inks to make it a stylish and comfortable shirt to wear!
What material is this item made of?
Solid colors are 100% cotton, heathered and marled fabrics are 90% cotton, 10% polyester (Due to product availability, cotton type may vary for 2XL and 3XL sizes).
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